Download the Year 7 - 8 Australian Curriculum Brochure
Download the Year 9 Electives Brochure
Download the Year 7 to 10 Assessment Policy
School Culture
At Ingham State High School, our Values are Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfullness (GEM). Timetabled Positive Youth Development (PYD) lessons explicitly teach skills to assist students in these areas.
Transition from Primary School to High School
At Ingham State High School we aim to make the transition from primary school to seconday education as smooth as possible. Throughout the year, many transition opportunities take place with the local primary schools. Experience Days give students the opportunity to experience high school life, with activities planned to be both fun and educational. Our experienced staff are there to support our new students each step of the way!
Introducing our Year 7 Team:
Deputy Principal (Year 7): Mr Peter Bishop
Head of Year: Mr Brandon Cotter
Year Level Coordinator: Mrs Kim Di Bella
Junior Secondary Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tracy Ruggieri
Academic Extension Programs
The Ingham State High School Homework Centre operates on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week. Students are provided with afternoon tea and have the chance to work with teachers and teacher-aides supporting their assessment and learning. Please contact the school for a registration form for either of the time slots that occur on Wednesdays and Thursdays - (students are not required to attend for the entire session).
Students also have access to the following after-school programs:
- Arts Honours Program
- STEAM Team
- Maths Tutoring
- English Writing Workshops and Tutoring Sessions
Extra-curricular Challenges
In Junior Secondary, there are many challenges that students can access. Each year a variety of students participate in a range of sporting and cultural activities. Ingham State High School has a proud reputation in the sporting arena and nominates teams in both traditional and non-traditional sports. The Chess Challenge is popular with Junior Secondary students who eagerly participate to compete in the representative team at the district competition. The School Instrumental Ensemble and Signing Choir are an integral part of the school culture. Students from Ingham State High School are also active citizens within the wider community volunteering their time in charitable events. Students receive recognition for active citizenship and cultural participation as well as academic achievement.
If you require any further details, please phone (07) 4797 1333 or email