Download the 2025-2026 Senior Subject Selection Guide (PDF, 650KB)
Download the Year 11 and 12 Assessment Policy (788 KB)
Ingham State High School’s Values are Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfullness (GEM). Timetabled Positive Youth Development (PYD) lessons explicitly teach skills to assist students in these areas.
Transition from Junior
School to Senior School
At Ingham State High School we aim to make the
transition from the Junior School to the Senior School as seamless as possible. Throughout Year 7, 8 and 9, many transition
activities involve the students in awareness raising programs
in the senior school. These activities give students the opportunity to gain
insights into life after Ingham State High School and the rigors they may need to
meet some of the challenges ahead. Year 9 students have the opportunity to attend Y Lead training in preparation for Year
10, 11 and 12.
Academic & Vocational Programs
Year 10 students study a minimum of seven subjects,
which includes five core subjects and two electives. Year 11 and 12 students
study a minimum of six subjects with English and Mathematics as core subjects.
Students select their Year 11 & 12 subjects
following a guided Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan process in Year 10. Students select their study pathway based on their SET Plan
and whether they require an Overall Position (OP) score for tertiary entrance
or will rely upon a Rank should they wish to follow an alternative tertiary
Ingham State High School is also a Registered Training
Organisation (RTO) thus giving students the opportunity to acquire nationally
accredited vocational qualifications. Ingham High offers Certificate III and
Certificate II qualifications across a range of industry/business domains.
These areas are supported by a Trade Skills Centre focused on
agriculture/agribusiness/laboratory skills; Business, Hospitality and IT hubs,
Industrial Technology hub and Visual Arts workspace.
Students can apply for programs which include
the Central Queensland University, Start
Uni Now Program, the University
of Queensland, Enhanced Study Program, Schools
of Distance Education and external RTOs.
All students are expected to graduate with a QCE or
QCIA and a Vocational Education and Training qualification.
Leadership Opportunities
Leadership training and opportunities are open to all
students in Year 10, 11 and 12.
A Leadership Camp is offered at the end of
Year 11 and students then apply for Year 12 leadership positions. Positions
available are School Captains and Vice-Captains, Sport Captains, First Nations Leaders, Student
Executive and House Captains. Students who apply for and gain Leadership
positions in Year 12 receive leadership training and the Captains and Vice Captains
attend Y Lead conferences. The School
Leadership Team lead the School Student Council and represent the school at
many functions and events.
Career Opportunities
During Positive Youth Development (PYD) lessons, senior secondary
students are also exposed to many different guest speakers, career information
events and workshops in our endeavour to have them well informed and ready for
“life after Year 12”.
Ingham High has a very close working relationship with
Central Queensland and James Cook Universities. Both universities visit the school
regularly and work with students on their tertiary pathways and accessing
university courses such as the CQU SUN Program.
The Australian Defence Forces regularly attend the
school to give information sessions for students contemplating joining and/or
studying with the Defence Forces and to support school events.
Students are encouraged to take up work experience and
work placement opportunities. Year 10 students complete a one week block of
work experience during the last week of Term 3. They complete a work readiness
program prior to them going on placement.
Students in Year 11 may access the work placement program
on Wednesdays – they apply to complete five (5) week blocks during Terms 1, 2
and 3.
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships are
another very popular avenue for students to become “work ready” and trained.
Students are expected to work on a Wednesday and employers are very supportive
of this program as it is of mutual benefit for all involved.
Learning Journeys and workshops are organised and
students apply to join if it is of interest. Career Expo trips and guest speakers are organised for
students in Year 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Extra-curricular Opportunities
In senior secondary, students have the opportunity to
participate in a range of vocational, sporting and cultural activities.
The sport program combines the QSSS representational
sport and our inter-school and intra-school sports program. Many sports are
offered to students to learn and participate at all levels.
Instrumental music is an integral part of the school
culture. Students take advantage of the many opportunities that are offered to
perform and enhance their skills. Creative Generations if offered to students
to become involved on a national stage.
Public speaking opportunities are offered to those
students who wish to pursue their oratorical skills.
Students from Ingham State High School are also active
citizens within the wider community volunteering their time in charitable
events and participating in district community events.
Students receive recognition for active citizenship,
cultural, sporting and academic achievement at the annual Awards Night.
If you require any further details, please contact Ingham State High School by phoning (07) 4797 1333 or emailing