Listed below are the links to Ingham State High School's policies and procedures. All documents listed are also available at the school office.
The Student Code of Conduct 2024 - 2026 (PDF, 5.37MB) is the means by which we ensure that a supportive school environment is established and maintained.
The Student Dress Code Brochure (PDF, 736KB) promotes the belief that the correct wearing of the school uniform assists students to identify with the school, and so feel positive about their learning environment and about being part of the team.
The Assessment Policy for Year 7 to 10 (PDF, 435 KB) and the Assessment Policy for Year 11 and 12 (PDF, 788 KB) outline the procedures for submission of work and completion of all assessment items (including exams) for all year levels.
The purpose of the SunSmart Policy (PDF, 1216KB) is to ensure that all children attending Ingham State High School are protected from skin damage caused by the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.