The Parents and Citizens’ Association is a significant group of interested parents and community members who support Ingham State High School. This volunteer organisation operates as a constituted body and is affiliated with the Queensland Parents and Citizens’ Association.
The group gives invaluable assistance to the school and has an important role contributing to decisions of policy making. Membership is as simple as attending any of the monthly meetings throughout the year. You will be made most welcome and your contribution will be really appreciated.
The P & C supports the school as it celebrates its many functions during the year including the Combined Secondary Schools Ball, the Cultural Evening, Awards Night and the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner. The P & C incorporates the uniform committee and oversees the operation of our excellent tuckshop, which is a major source of fundraising for our school. In promoting the interests of the students, the P & C Association helps in the development and improvement of the school.
The 2024 Executive Committee office bearers are:
- President – Michael Nash
Vice President – Peter Bishop
- Secretary – Janene Franklin
- Treasurer – Annika Kraaz
The P & C Association holds general meetings on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:15 pm in the School Auditorium.
Come along and join this great group! You will be most welcome. Phone the school office for any information on (07) 4797 1333.